Beautifully handcrafted one of a kind gothic inspired wedding bouquet. Arranged with a combinaiton of purple roses, black roses, and mixed textured Black and plum floral to give it a nice full look. The collar (under the flowers above the handle) is a combination of black gathered lace and tulle accents. The handle has a slight tilt to give the best view of the bouquet and is wrapped with tan burlap with a black print design. And to add the perfect finish, a trail of various matching color scheme ribbons of various width. Size is 10-12 average
Each bouquet is a unique one of a kind and ready to ship!
Other matching popular items:
*Brides bouquet
*Bridesmaids bouquet
*Wrist/Pin Corsage
If you have a customization request that I can add to this bouquet please feel free to message me.
I will try to accomadate any request.
Make Magical Memories!
Product code: Popular Midnight Magic Bridal Bouquet