1795 CATHOLIC MISSIONARY popular history / Missionsgeschichte - katholischen Ostindien Zweyter Theil, 1556 bis 1580 / German leather antique vintage
popular Die Missionsgeschichte späterer Zeiten, oder gesammelte Briefe der katholischen Missionare aus allen Theilen der Welt: ein wichtiger Beytrag zur Natur-, Länder- und Völkerkunde, vorzüglich aber zur christlichen Erbauung. Der Briefe aus Ostindien Zweyter Theil, vom Jahre 1556 bis 1580
publisher: Nicolaus Doll, Augsburg, 1795. TEXT IN GERMAN. One volume leather backed marbled boards; ex-library with very minimal indication; looks like a label one present to spine and faint stamp ; opposite first page; antique bookplate inside cover (The Library of Congress, Class, Book ) else good + condition binding tight ; text clean . (English translation of title : The history of missions in later times, or collected letters from Catholic missionaries from all parts of the world: an important contribution to natural, regional and ethnological studies, but primarily to Christian edification. The letters from the East Indies second part, from the years 1556 to 1580) Catholic missionaries, missionary history ..