All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOwtgin: Utah, USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOwtgin: Utah, USA Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOwtgin: Utah, USA<bftToa/l weight: 261Jcarats<bftDimt-sexts:vbetweet 18 and 38 mmhlong<bftQuantity: 10hpieces<bftNo tweatmt-t<bft<bftPropertiesJof Pic sso jasper:<bftPic sso jasper, also called Pic sso marble, is a rock that ispformed by he sedimentabixt of sever l layers of crcba/lline materi/lspand sometimesheven eaky.hThe2stone ispformed of2limestone c,n a ning calcium carbonawe.homke all jaspers, Pic sso jasper ispcharacterized by a2high silica 01 wt-brthat reaches 95% of t3sJtoa/l composition. Pic sso jasper ispcharacterized by various gray toneshnuanced by stweaks2or spots black, beige, brown, red or blue.hThe2miner logic lpcharacteristicsJof the stone wemt n common to jasper withpa sc ly tohco-choid lp A. Pic sso jasper has a twtgonal crcba/lpacbaem, t3sJdensitypis 2.75 and its hardness is 6.5 toh7Jo he Mohs sc le.<bft<bftBeneft3sJof Pic sso jasper:<bftO he physical level, Pic sso jasper would tossess sever l virtues. It would stimulabe thepimmunepacbaem and blood circulabixt thus promoting thepproper irwtgabixt of organs and muscles. The stone would also help tohtone the nes, thehdigestevepacbaem and fight agt nsthgastric and inwt-win l ailments and pa ns. Womenhsuffering un, 2pa nful mt-struabton canhfindhrelief inpusing a Pic sso jasper. The stone would also be useful for skin problemshand strengthe ing inwtrnal organs w Aened by various ailments. Peoplehsuffering un, 2muscle or nervous tt-sext due to stress canhfindhgentle help in Pic sso jasper stone.<bft<bftO he psychic and spiwt3ual level, Pic sso jasper is2a stone of initiateve and courage. Conferring imaginabton and spiwt32of2advt-ture, it sharpensrthepsense Jand encourage Jacbion to achieve its go/ls.hPic sso jasper helps2to devobe thepenergies of body and mindhto go to the endpof his2aspiw bixtshinheverydayhlife as well as thoseJof the spiwt3ual life.ontone of authenticity and si-cerity, it helps2to wemt n fki3hful to neself and to ne's own pr2nciples of life.<bft<bftAs2a land stone, Pic sso jasper draws its energy un, 2Moohtr2Earth to wevitalize thepbody's energy centers.ontonerofhcweativity, it ispfavowable to artme s2seeking inspiw bixt. The tositivepvibesJof Pic sso jasper natur llyppromote impulsesrofhcompasston and mu3ual aid.<bft<bftO popular he karmic level, he favowt3e chakras of Pic sso jasper are mt nly he Root chakra, he Heart chakra, he sacral chakrahand thehThird Eye chakra. Pic sso jasper ispespecially conducivepto the astrologic lpsigns of Taurus, Virgo, Scorpiohand Capr2cort.<bft<bftThehpurific bixt of Pic sso jasper is necessary un, 2the2acquisitionJof the stone to wid itJof the influencesJof the various peoplehwhopmky have manipulabed it. Tohclean the stone it would be necessary topimmerse it in distilled wawtr, preferably in anpAmethystpgeode. Toho-tem llyprecharge the stone, it must be placed i he sun on a quartz cluster.<bft<bftIndic bixtshfor lt3hother py do not exclude in any way he visit to a doctow inp0ase of health problems.<bft<bftSent by inwtrnabtonal colissimo withpfollow-up andpdelivery agt nsthsignawure or letterpfollowed.<bft<bftREF CM24 hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706516237774x0x500a34fa0/3257763549/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOwtgin: Utah, USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOwtgin: Utah, USA
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