ASTROLOGY - Transit Report Reading
A Transit Report reading maps and examines current planetary placements in relation to your Natal chart, your intimate popular and personalized horoscope. This reading focuses on the effects of transiting planets, clarifying the nature of current energies and their effect on you and your life. It can answer questions about current and up-coming events, opportunities, challenges and obstacles.
As such, this in-depth analysis of "what's to come" may provide you with the exact answers and/or the clarification you need to overcome current challenges and reach your true potential. This product is great for self-awarness, healing and personal growth.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful cues in which you can utilize to navigate your unique experience. This report includes the transits of the planets from the Sun through Pluto, plus Chiron. I will also include a date range for when each transit will be in effect and exact dates for when the transit will be at its most heightened for you personally.
This is a digital item that will be emailed to you when complete. You can review this product digitally at any time or print it out and go through it at your leisure and as often as you'd like. It runs about 12-20 pages (note: page and length varies based on your natal chart and the current transits). None of my readings are computer-generated; all the writing and research is done by me.
When you order, please provide me with the following information:
✨First Name
✨Date of Birth (ex. July 22 1985)
✨Location of Birth (ex. Ottawa, Ontario)
✨Exact Time of Birth (ex. 2:02 am)
I need ALL of the pieces of information above in order to make you an accurate chart and reading! If you don't know the time of your birth, ask your mother or father (if possible); your birth certificate might also have this information, or the hospital in which you were born. Unfortunately, I cannot complete this reading for you without the correct time of birth.
To receive yours, send me a message with the information above and payment to:
Crystal's Astro Oracle.
Product code: Astrology - Transit Report Reading - popular Personalized Horoscope