Acquerelli originali dipinti a mano e pezzi unici creati in Italia.
Original hand painted watercolors and unique pieces created in Italy.
Original hand-painted watercolors and unique pieces created in Italy.
La cornice è solo un esempio, il quadro viene venduto senza / The frame is just an example, the painting is sold without / The frame is just an example, the frame is sold without
L'acquerello originale è stato dipinto nei luoghi rappresentati, con l'intento di trasmettere la bellezza e l'atmosfera del posto.
Le pitture sono eseguite su carta martellata con colori extra fini Winsor & Newton e Schmincke Akademie.
Copie di acquerelli originali in tre diverse tipologie di formato, secondo le proporzioni di altezza e larghezza dell'originale:
a. piccolo (circa 8x15) cost 5 €
b. medium (circa 15x30) cost 10 €
c. large (circa 20x40) cost 15 €
Stampa in altissima risoluzione 1200 x 1200 dpi, su carta da acquerello senza acidi Canson 200 gr con colori speciali, resistenti alla luce, all'acqua e con pigmento ad alta luminosità.
Il pittore Simone Casu, in arte Simo, vi ringrazia per la scelta.
#napoli #roma #sorrento #costieraamalfitana #amalfi #orvieto #pompei #romaantica #colosseo
#madeinitaly #fattoamano #artista #acquerello #vedute #pittura #arte #artista #italy #campania #riproduzioni popular #stampeoriginali #stampenumerate #loveitaly #mare #bellezza
The original watercolor was painted in the locations shown, with the intention of conveying the beauty and atmosphere of the place.
The paintings are executed on hammered paper with extra fine colors Winsor & Newton and Schmincke Akademie.
Copies of original watercolors in three different format, according to the proportions of height and width of the original:
To. small (about 8x15) cost € 5
b. medium (about 15x30) cost € 10
c. large (about 20x40) cost € 15
High resolution 1200 x 1200 dpi printing on acid-free watercolour paper Canson 200 gr with special colours, light and water resistant and with high brightness pigment.
The painter Simone Casu, aka Simo, thanks you for your choice.
#napoli #roma #sorrento #costieramalfitana #amalfi #orvieto #pompei #rome
#madeinitaly #madeamano #artista #watercolor #views painting #art #artista #italy #campania #production #original print #numbered prints #loveitaly #sea #beauty
The original watercolor was painted in the places represented, with the intention of transmitting the beauty and atmosphere of the place.
The paintings are executed on hammered paper with the extra fine colors of Winsor & Newton and Schmincke Akademie.
Copies of the original watercolors in three different sizes, according to the proportions of height and width of the original:
a. small (about 8x15) costs 5 €
b. average cost (about 15x30) costs 10 €
c. large (about 20x40) costs 15 €
High-resolution printing of 1200 x 1200 dpi on Canson 200 gr acid-free watercolor paper with special colors, resistant to light and water and with high gloss pigment.
The painter Simone Casu, alias Simo, thanks him for his choice.
# napoli #roma #sorrento #costieraamalfitana #amalfi #orvieto #pompei
#madeinitaly #hechoamano #artista #acuarela #vistas #pintura # #artista #italy #campania #producciones #impresionesoriginales #copiasnumeradas #loveitaly #mar #bello art
Product code: Popular ROME - Castel Sant'Angelo / Sant'Angelo Castle - acquerello / watercolor / watercolor / by Simo