Original Pokemon Diamond with all the pokemon transferred over for you to play with and enjoy for more years to come! Get ready for Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl with this game in your collection!
What to expect:
One authentic copy of Pokemon Diamond
(Add your trainer name and needed gender during checkout)
All Pokemon from gens 1-4 (all 493 Pokemon)
Shiny or Nonshiny (your Choice)
All items - maxed out (event key items are the only key items included so the story works as intended)
All cash - don't spend a BP or Pokedollar worrying about them again.
All TM's ETC.
Expect tracking in 1-2 weeks.
We reach out as soon as we get the order and plan out the order to plan on when to expect your tracking number.
We work to ship asap but our queue, requests and processes need to play into our ETA. You will hear from us when we get started on it.
FAQ: https://www.lootdelivered.com/pages/faq
Are these games legitimate, how can I tell?
Yes, every enhanced game Loot Delivered sells is legitimate. They will always pass quality and legitimacy tests because we have to use real games in order to transfer the Pokemon to the cartridge. Fake games do not transfer.
So I can move the Pokemon to other games?
As long as you have the correct hardware and follow the correct steps you shouldn't expect an issue.
What can be customized?
Trainer Name
Where will I be in the game when I receive it?
At the start, no story has been completed, nothing has.
What items are guaranteed?
Everything but Key Items. Importing key items before they are meant to be received creates problems. We always safely import key items that trigger events, such as the Azure Flute in Pearl and Diamond + Plat. Expect 995 of any item we can max out, so at least 995 Rare Candy and any of the Pokeballs.
What are the Pokémon like?
Legally leveled - levels are unchanged and are as low as possible.
6IV - Ready for battle
0 EV training - set up EV's based off the natures we have.
Shiny or Nonshiny - pick one or the other and you receive a game with all the Pokemon from that game.
I only see Boxes up to box 16
Play the game longer, you will get more boxes in the PC and see the Pokemon you want. Every game up to now has 32 boxes total. Some games like white and black want you to popular play to get all 32.
Why don't my Pokemon obey me?
You need to defeat more gyms, the higher the Pokemon's level the more you need to progress in the game in order to use it.
Can I transfer my Pokemon to newer games?
Yes, check out our transfer guide here!
The Pokedex does not load when I got the game.
You have a completed Pokedex both on the trainer and also within the PC. The game does not expect you to have everything (events and more) in the early parts. If you try to check Pokedex data you shouldn't have access to yet, it can cause a problem.
Later on there should not be an issue.
I went to the PC and there was only 16 boxes
On some of the later games after Plat, the PC needs to load three times to access all the Pokemon we traded over.
How long does it take to ship?
Our games take one to two weeks to ship. We need time to set up the save and work on our orders to do this daily.
What do you mean these Pokemon are legtimate and not hacked?
We have played the games for many years and worked with a lot of people. When we catch a Pokemon in the wild or get an event of a Pokemon that is desired (shiny or normal) we log it in our "Pools".
When it is needed, we duplicate the Pokemon. Trust that you will get valid nongenerated (hacked in) Pokemon, only ones that were caught at one point and then duplicated and traded to the game we are sending you.
Product code: Pokemon Diamond for the Nintendo DS fully enhanced with a popular 493 Completed PC + Pokedex