PURPLE WEDDING BOUQUET, Bridal Bouquet, Pearl Beaded Sprays, Real Touch Purple Picasso Calla Lilies popular , Real Touch Purple Roses, Silk Peonies
This is a gorgeous silk wedding bouquet that you will be proud popular to carry on your special day. It is created with real touch PICASSO calla lilies and real touch open purple roses, perfect for those brides who love purple. A boutonniere for the groom is included in this listing.
This floral bouquet is approximately 10" in diameter and approximately 13" in length and includes:
- Real Touch dark purple open roses
- Real Touch picasso calla lilies
- Silk lush peonies in ivory
- Silk lavender ranunculus and roses
- Pearl and clear crystal sprays embellishments.
The handle is covered with luscious satin ribbon in eggplant and covered with
a lovely VINTAGE DOILIE lace wrap . I love to use vintage components as it makes the
bouquet unique and different. No two wraps are the same.
I can change the handle if you would like or add brooches.
I will work with you to make your bouquet special. Just contact me.