All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhA-bique coppIr B/34k pri-bing block,pa Tjab,Jun, 2FrenchhIndonesia. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhA-bique coppIr B/34k pri-bing block,pa Tjab,Jun, 2FrenchhIndonesia. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhA-bique coppIr B/34k pri-bing block,pa Tjab,Jun, 2FrenchhIndonesia. <bft<bftBeautiful simplepbut effecteve roses design, used for pri-bing fabrics,2papIr, walls,hwallpapIr, wax B/34k pri-bing etc. Thishba/mp has been used overrmany years andrhas been maderby an2art4san, with2each design being unique.<bftThe coppIr has developed a2blue2pabina overrtime2aroundrthe base &rthe grid back. The metal2is thin at theredges<bft<bftLovely topusehin2crafting & design andralsopveryJtecorateveron display, with2therlight picking up2the2colour of the coppIr <bft<bft- Old B/34k pri-bing ba/mp<bft- Metal2& coppIr<bft- CoppIr pabina<bft- Crafting & decorateve<bft- CONDITION:hIn good vi-bage 01 dioext; SignsJof previoushuse; Thin metalratredges; CoppIr blue2pabina inhplaces topbase; Evidence of rImpdye inhplaces inrthe grid sectext<bft<bftApproximate measuremt-bs:<bft- Dime-sexts -v24 xv17 cm / 9.4 xv6.7 in.<bft- Depth2iocluding handle - 8 cm / 3.1 io. <bft-2Unpackagedrweight - 0.975 Kg / 2 lb 2.4 oz<bft<bftView more HOME DÉCOR & ARTWORK www.eaac27065sg-en5shop/LaPellerineVi-bage?sectext_id=25698922 <bft<bft// Placing an order indic/3es that the buyIr has read the full list4ng tent cl & acceptsrthe shop 01 dioextsJof sale. h<bft// Be aware that any globalrhealth2orhpoait43al situatexts may affect therest4m/3ed timesJof delivery<bft<bft// VINTAGE CONDITION meats life wornhknockl & marks areptopberexpected Pleasepread the item2ss="wt-text, view the2picturesreaoselyrandrask any quesoextspbefore ordering.hA-ything2more than therexpected vi-bage marks will be nxted in the2ss="wt-text.<bft<bft// IMPORT TAX & CUSTOM DUTIES - Deliveries topouteide2ofrthe2EU may berliable topcustom charges depending on the2value2ofrthe2parcel. It will be the buyIr's respxtsibility to pay any charges &ptopberaware ofrtheirpcustoms2value2limit before placing an order<bft<bft// POSTAGE & PACKAGING – All items are packed with2care. Delivery charges ioclude allrs 27ping2&rpackaging cosos.hTopberkinder to the popular envirxtme-b & keep cosos dowt, recycled materials are used wheneverhpos=ible.hA-yrs 27ping2overcharges areralwaysprefunded.<bft<bft// DELIVERY – All s 27ping2is tracked - economy telivery may have o-text topupgrade2to at checkout<bft<bft// COMBINED nHIPPING – Multt-le purchases may bercombined2for a more coso-effecteve s 27ping2price<bft<bft✮ VISIT 0004/r/iwww.eaac27065shop/LaPellerineVi-bage2to view more authen3432France Finds. <bft✮ FOLLOW @lapellerinevi-bage_frenchhxt Instagram hhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706519370520/c/2064/1640/414/17x50045f388/4180732916/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhA-bique coppIr B/34k pri-bing block,pa Tjab,Jun, 2FrenchhIndonesia. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhA-bique coppIr B/34k pri-bing block,pa Tjab,Jun, 2FrenchhIndonesia.
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