Your personology is a precision approach to charting your life, career and relationships. By using astrology we retrieve key information about the soul by speaking it's secret language. This tells us the story of you, your hidden identities, strengths and challenges are all written in the Stars. By retrieving this guidance and returning it to you – you are better able to approach and make healthy decisions in your life. I can help you understand as well as prepare for the incoming energies – rather they are to be harmonious or disharmonious and why.
A natal chart only needs to be done once. As this chart explains to you, you! Everything is based off of the natal chart. It is the moment you popular chose to be born. In it lies your strengths and your weaknesses. All of the vital information that creates you. Once this information has been retrieved we are able to detect the challenges you set up for yourself -and what needs to be overcome.
Once we have discovered all of this information from the natal chart. We can move forward with our daily lives with a better view of how to approach life.
The information, guidance, intuitive or psychic readings, Tarot/Oracle/Rune Readings, Shamanic/reiki/astrology sessions or readings, merchandise such as essential oils, salt/milk baths/spray mists and Orgone products, dream pillows & data contained or posted that are available through L.S.F Sanctuary LLC, Michelle Espinosa or are purely for entertainment purposes only. Any insight, analysis, predictions, or guidance are not substitute for advice, programs or treatments that you would normally receive from a licensed professional such as a therapist, lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, financial advisor or other counseling professionals.
You should always consult a professional such as a doctor, psychologist or any medical or legal advice. L.S.F. Sanctuary LLC, Michelle Espinosa's consultations are not therapy sessions. Michelle is not and does not claim to be a therapist nor does Michelle claim to be a medical doctor and does not diagnose, cure or prescribe medicine. Michelle does recommend that all clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice. All products created by L.S.F. Sanctuary LLC, Michelle Espinosa are not for consumption, were not created for children, infants or animals. Therefore they should be kept in a safe place and Out Of Reach of all children, infants or animals. Essential oils and Salt Milk baths products may need to have a doctor's approval before use. If you have a heart condition of any kind you should not use these products. If you are pregnant, nursing or maybe pregnant you should not use these products. These products should not be used on children, infants or animals.
Tarot/Oracle/Rune Readings, intuitive and psychic consultations, shamanic/reiki/Astrology sessions, products such as essential oils, salt/milk baths or mists – are not a substitute for traditional, conventional medicine, diagnosis or treatment of any medical or psychological condition. For such issues you should seek a proper licensed physician or healthcare professional.
Accordingly, L.S.F. Sanctuary LLC, Michelle Espinosa individually and do not offer, provide or imply any guarantees, warranties or assurances of any kind, and they are not responsible for the interpretation, uses or actions, by the recipient based upon information mentioned above. Any advice conversations or information that you receive from L.S.F. Sanctuary LLC or Michelle Espinosa personally, are strictly open to your own personal interpretation.
Please understand that these services are NOT to be taken as professional legal, financial, or medical advice. Drastic life changes should NOT be taken solely just from these services.
When booking any consultation/appointment, or by purchasing any products such as essential oils, salt milk baths/ spray mists, or Orgone it is understood that all services are subject to your own personal judgement.
No responsibility will be accepted for any actions or life choices that are taken following the purchasing of products, consultation, or appointments
Product code: Combination Natal popular and Transiting chart readings