Faux Sunflowers and Roses Bridal Bouquet- Artificial flowers-Destination popular Wedding Bouquet-Keepsake Bouquet
Our bouquets are made using the best quality silk flowers. popular They look extremely real. Silk flowers bouquet are beautiful choices for those that would like to keep their bouquets for years to come as it will stay looking gorgeous forever:)
This sunflower and roses faux bridal bouquet is absolutely beautiful and lovely!
Measures 39cm wide by 34cm
Some of the faux flowers used may differ and be replaced accordingly if unavailable, however we will still bear in mind the overall colour palette and bouquet style. Please note that each faux bridal bouquet is handcrafted, so there will not be another exactly identical bouquet.
Other matching satin colour ribbons can be used.
You can request photos of the faux bridal bouquet before it is been shipped.
Overseas shipping available. Items will be shipped as registered article that comes with a tracking number. Estimated shipping is about 10- 16working days,depending on customs.
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